Do any of the following apply to your or someone you know:
- You’re new to business and are negotiating terms of trade with suppliers or customers or worse, having terms of trade dictated to you?
- Life has thrown you a curve ball or two and paying that outstanding Tax bill on time is not possible right now and you’re worried about what action the ATO will take?
- You need to go to the bank for the finance that is going to keep your business afloat or keep it from going under and don’t know where to start.
- You owe someone money and despite all attempts to source the funds to pay the debt you just can’t and you’re sick to the stomach that Court action or Bankruptcy is just around the corner.
Negotiation is the basis of all business success. Every sale made or deal agreed, every contract signed or even terms of trade decided quite often have a significant influence on profitability and ultimate long-term success of your business.
We can engage in mutual negotiations on your behalf where both you and the other party seek to satisfy each other’s needs by satisfying the needs of the other party. These negotiations are most often based on relationships and the prospect of return business needs to be carefully considered.
We can also engage in unilateral negotiations where relationships are of little or no importance and the best price or best outcome for you is the only priority.
Our clients have often enjoyed benefit well beyond the cost of our service through better quality outcomes and significantly reduced stress knowing that their professional partners have been there by their side the whole way.
Contact us now for an obligation free consultation and fixed price quote.
*Actual price will depend on your situation, level of transactions, number of employees, reporting, support or meetings required. We will discuss your situation with you and provide a Fixed Price for your affairs. Quoted pricing is based on the average spend by existing customers on the relevant plans. All prices exclude GST.
After we've had a chat and agreed on how UEM Business can help you we'll contact your current accountant and ask them to forward your information. It's that simple.